Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mom's Ipad - Notebooks

I really, really like Notebooks for iPad.  I've always loved to write.  I write stories. I take notes when I'm reading a really good book.  I make schedules and lists and plans and keep inspirational quotes.  I used to pack a few spiral bound hardcover notebooks around in my purse and lament the fact that I couldn't fit more.  I wanted to keep a notebook for each child I have, a notebook for my house, a notebook for personal thoughts, a notebook for toy rotation and one for preschool plans.  It went on and on.  Now I only need my iPad!

I use Notebooks for many similar things as Corkulous.  Actually, when I first started out with Corkulous I thought that was all I needed.  But I discovered that I required more room to type and write - not Corkulous's main purpose, therefore not it's strong point.  So I got to app hunting again!

I love the fact that you can nest notebooks.  For example, in my Notebook labeled Play, I two more notebooks labeled Toy Rotation and Play Kits.  In Play Kits I have ideas listed by category: Play Dough, Quiet Time, Sensory Bin, Solo Play and Unplugged Play. I could go on!  You've probably noticed that I have a serious problem with categories and sub-categories.  I like to list everything out and review it, re-organize it, etc.  This is the app that lets me do all that, without spending a fortune in spiral bound notebooks!  I can plan everything to the tiniest detail, if only I could carry it out in real life . . . but that's another post!

It's also quite easy to move from notebook to notebook, page to page, to copy and paste or import documents. In fact, if I receive an attachment in my email account, by pressing on the email on my iPad, a little window comes up asking me what I'd like to use to read it.  If I select Notebooks, it shows up there without any further effort.  I've opened Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Pdf files so far.  Really nice for work related stuff and for little "ebooks" published in pdf files available all over the web.

One more thing I love is the pinch zoom!  An iPad app just isn't complete without it and I'm so pleased it's included here!  Between Corkulous and Notebooks I've got my whole life covered.

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