Monday, March 29, 2010

Minor Setback to Spring

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So, after yesterday's enthusiastic springtime gushing, it seemed only fitting that I wake up this morning to buckets of rain pouring out of some pretty serious looking, low-hanging clouds. No biggie, right? Rain happens. After all, April shower's bring May flowers (okay, it's not QUITE April, but it IS close). I explain to Silas that the rain will make the grass green and the flowers grow so summer can come. He plays happily in the puddles head to toe in rain gear. So just IMAGINE my horror when these big fat rain drops turn into big fat snowflakes! We're talking the size of dinner plates! Even worse, they didn't melt away, they began to stick! In December, this is exciting. At the end of March, it's down right catastrophic! Look at my Daffodils! Poor little buds are waiting patiently to bloom, I guess they need to wait just a bit longer. Here's another shot across the field. Figures that today is the day we get a mini baby boom among the cows with several calves being born.

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On a family note, Silas amused me today by asking two rather deep questions. The first was "Do you know where the dark lives, mama?" and the second was "How did the rain drops get up there?". Try explaining dark as the absence of light or evaporation to a two year old! I know I did a spectacular job too, because just before bed he told me, "The dark lives in the mountains, mama." Geek.

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