Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals for 2011 - Home

I have so many things I'd like to do in the next year, so many plans and so many ideas.  Keep in mind these aren't really resolutions, just a few results from this week's reflection.  The more I think about it, the more I itch to get it all written down.  See now I'm a bit of geek.  If there's a way to break things down into categories and sub-categories, I'll do it.  That might explain what follows.

Goals for my Home

In general, I'm feeling pretty good about how my home has been running.  Of course there's always room for improvement, but given the season of my life, it's not badl.  My main goal in this area is to continue to adhere to my daily routines and meal plans - they are my lifesaver!  This is the week where I don't really do that and I can't wait to get back to it.  I would like to stay on the wagon for longer periods of time.  It seems like I fall off every five or so weeks, for a length of time that varies from a few days to a few weeks.  Things start to get hectic, we don't eat as well, I'm grouchy, the house is a mess, we lose things.  Laundry piles up and the kids aren't getting to bed on time, then hey get grouchy. It snowballs and it's awful!

I'm learning that there are bare bones things that cannot be left undone (the kitchen needs to be cleaned every evening, one load of laundry must go from hamper to drawer each day and nap/bedtime is sacred) if I'm sick or run down, but the fact of the matter is, I get lazy sometimes.  I start to feel resentful or hard-done-by.  I'd really to avoid that entirely. Truthfully, I chose this career.  No one made me stay home.  I've wanted it my whole life and mostly I love it.  I need to take care of myself.  This is something that indirectly benefits my house and my family, as well as every other aspect of my life.  Maybe I should have listed this in a general category, but here it lies.  I will get to bed on time and shower regularly.  I will dress, do my hair and make up, each day and every day.  I will take time I need to get out with friends, to relax by myself.  The two former are not hard, it's the last one I struggle with. I'm not a really social person.  At the end of the day there's nothing I'd rather do than go to bed, really.  But on those rare occasions when I do go out for a drink and I'm gone for an hour or two, I come home renewed and energized.  It's amazing really and I think it's something I should keep in mind - perhaps an effort to go out twice a month with a friend would be a step in the right direction?

My vegetable garden is an area in which I'd love to make improvements.  Maybe now that my youngest will be two this summer, I'll actually be able to keep up with my weeding?  It was like Oliver was allergic to weeding last summer.  As soon as I began, he'd start to cry.  Without fail.  Nothing worked or helped but me leaving the garden.  It was ridiculous!  Maybe this year is my year?  Along with improving the garden goes the harvesting.  By the end of September I'm usually so let down and disheartened by my garden and my perceived failure that I don't even really want to venture in to harvest.  I need to get over that and put more food away for the winter.  This goal also includes canning more fruit bought in bulk through out the summer!

We're also planning to build our own home in the next year or two.  I've got some preliminary ideas and sketches, but I want to continue to work on this and get input from both my husband and my daughter.  Heck, Silas and Oliver may as well tell me what they want in their new house too, right?!  It would be great to have a finished plan to send off to the engineer by the end of the year.

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