Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Disorganized? Me?

I've been having more camera issues.

First a printer that broke down, so no disk slot for downloading pictures.  Then I couldn't find the cord that connects my camera to the usb for a more direct connection.  It's been sitting on this desk for the last bloomin' year and a half, of course I couldn't find it once I needed it.  Then I find a printer on sale, half price, with a disk slot, hurray!  Can't find the disk.  I know it wasn't in the old printer.  I put it on the kitchen shelf.  Scott pointed it out to me, then I decided that wasn't a safe place for it, so I moved it.  Somewhere it'd be safe.  I vaguely recall putting it in a slightly odd location, and there was wood there.  A shelf, or cupboard, or something.  I even remember having a notion that I probably should just leave it there, cause I've had it happen before where I couldn't find things once I'd moved them to a so-called safer location.  Yeah, that happened again. For the love of Pete, why didn't I just put it back in  my camera?  A few days of fruitless searching and off I go to the store to buy a disk.  I buy the wrong one.  Can you believe it?  I could have sworn I had an SD in my camera.  Turns out it's an XD.  Huh.  Too bad the XD is three times the price of an SD!

Anyhow, I think I finally have all my ducks in a row.  The way things have been going lately, you'd think I was a complete and total disorganized nut, but honestly, I'm generally on top of things.  Sort of.  Those of you who know me may disagree.  Let's just say that I'm better than many, better than I used to be, and I'm working on areas that need improvement!

A new Tot School post tomorrow (hopefully!) with the one or two pictures I did manage to get together.

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