Monday, August 16, 2010


Okay, perhaps disaster is a little dramatic, however something bad did happen:  I lost my camera!  I'd like to say it was stolen, but I think I just left it on the train . . .  I was editing some photos while we traveled, that's the last time I remember seeing it.  It was late, around ten, and both Oliver and Silas really needed to sleep but neither of them would settle.  The train pulled into the Edmonton station and we left as quickly as we could so everyone else on the train could get a bit of peace!  It was dark and I may have just missed the camera laying around somewhere.  At the time I was sure I'd checked all of our nooks and crannies but since I don't recall seeing it since we were on the train, I'm now not quite so confident.

So, as running out and buying a new camera isn't something I can do on our budget, the posts may be necessarily bare for a few weeks (or more).  My mother-in-law is often able to get really good deals through the school district in September and I may ask her about opportunities there - or just start searching through flyers and websites for the best camera deals.  Please bear with me - I'll try and post as many older pictures and use online photos as much as I can in the mean time.

A post regarding our fantastically fun and renewing (but exhausting!) trip is forthcoming!


    Here is a relatively cheap camera, good sale price good quality..... HTH

  2. Wow! That is a good price for fairly good quality camera - thanks! I'll check it out.
