One reason I love reading blogs is to see how everyone else goes about their daily life. If I can find a blog that has some familiar aspects (such as a family with young children) in an entirely unfamiliar setting, I enjoy comparing and contrasting our normal, everyday lives. That's a reason I enjoy blogging, too. I like to share our normal, everyday lives with the ranching twist so others can compare their own lives to ours. So here's a slice of ranch life with young kids for your comparing pleasure!
Hot weather means a lot of river time. We went to the river or Grami and Grandad's pool every evening this week. Sand was a big hit with both boys! Silas made a track with his dad, Oliver just scooped it up, swished it around and really 'felt' it. Of course, he also used a truck because that's what his brother does!
Around here tractors are only second to, well, Monster Tractors such as the one above that Oliver got for his birthday. Both my boys love tractors and the sign for tractor was among the first signs that they picked up.
Mud and puddles are staple entertainment around here, and thanks to irrigation, we seem to have a lot of both available at almost all times. Ever since reading "The Little Blue Truck" Silas has had a fascination with trucks getting stuck in the mud. I dare say he'd have discovered it anyway, but he sure does love the book!
We try and get out for walks or at least quad rides if the kids are too tired or grumpy to make that feasible. The other day we went as far as this flooded pond to look for tadpoles. And I'm happy to report that we found some!!
Oliver was the grumpy one on this outing and heaven forbid I try to peel him off his beloved quad! As I snapped this picture, I'm really glad I remembered to pull the key as it looks as though he wouldn't have minded racing off across the field!
Of course, all is not fun and games. Rural life is famous for instilling good work ethic in children. Our home is no different. Everyone has chores, we all work hard together! For instance, Silas helps me vacuum:
And here he is below, helping his dad treat the horse (Silas style!) in appreciation for the way she stood still for new shoes:
Last but not least, here he is checking out the chicken next for eggs. This is a daily chore the three of us take care of each morning. The boys are learning the importance of being responsible and reliable as these chickens depend on us to bring them food and water, to keep them safe from dogs and predators and care for them in hot and cold weather. They also really like eggs!
One thing that I am profoundly grateful for in my little corner of the world is the view from my house. You can't beat it. Being able to appreciate the passing of each season in all it's glory is a big part of 'what it's all about' for me.